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// Local dependencies
use crate::Error;
// External dependencies
use std::fmt::Debug;
/// # General Information
/// A struct that implements DiffEquationSolver is implied to contain all needed information for a certain ODE/PDE to be solved. Therefore, a function to solve the
/// equation needs to be present in such a structure.
pub trait DiffEquationSolver: Debug {
/// # General Information
/// solve returns a vector of values representing the solution of an equation at a given collection of nodes provided by the user at the creation of an
/// instance of a solver.
/// # Parameters
/// * `&self` - An instance of an ODE/PDE solver.
/// * `time_step` - Optional for time independent methods, but important for others to move forward the solution.
fn solve(&mut self, time_step: f64) -> Result<Vec<f64>, Error>;